Provenance Record

This page is the permanent record of provenance for each unique Good Boi. Representing finalized documentation, stored on the blockchain via an ETH smart contract, of every Good Boi in existence. Enjoy our distinct, one of a kind, NFT doges!

Smart Contract Address:
0x4A94844aC9d93BaE2B48f0b10B20B7EF1225188D Metadata Final Proof Hash:
QmWmRqLAGdcXXCmSA6NXZW5eVBfJAz3L3DBvjj5HDh56Tj Final Metadata Directory Hash:
QmTnKqQ9hZWpfkp4Je8H8XNCtk7Z1mwKLsLQvcWVZti19b Rarity Guide

***Each Good Boi is minted at random. Token IDs are updated post mint.***
edition | tokenid | metadata hash | thumbnail hash | image hash