No Elon, you boomer, it's not another dogecoin... it's a doge NFT! Collect any of the 9,999 unique Good Boi NFTs. No gimmicks or defi, just cute NFTs of doges. Buy a doge for .075 ETH. You'll receive an SVG file and a twitter-sized PNG for each Good Boi.
Each Good Boi NFT is minted at random, without a starting index, and initially available for .075 ETH. Giving plebs a fair shot, sorry blockchain snipers.
Good Boi Society is launched with an open collection, rarity guide, pre-set provenance, and equitable distribution. Good Bois are good fun for all. They're NFTs done the right way. See which Good Bois have already been minted on OpenSea.
View our open-source smart contract on Github.
No bonding curves or fancy maths. Just equitable and fair distribution of provably-rare illustrations by Cartyisme. Mint a random Good Boi for .075 ETH and it's yours. With the commercial rights to your doge granted by our smart contract, you can access your Good Boi with its IPFS hash and do as you please!
Impress everyone on twitter with your discerning taste in NFTs. While your financial advisor nods in approval.
Provably Rare
9,999 provably rare Good Bois. No Good Boi is alike!
Commercial Rights
You own your Good Boi 1000%. We can't afford lawyers anyway.
Fair Launch
Good Bois are available at a flat-rate and distribution is random.
Infinitely Scalable
Don't waste crypto on JPGs! All bois are Scalable Vector Graphics.

Good Boi Society is an NFT avatar project. No Good Boi is the same. Doges are generated from 108 distinct characteristics. The result is 9,999 ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Pinned to IPFS with Pinata.
Unlike other NFT projects, Good Bois are created with SVG_Stack. What's the difference? For one, Good Bois are infinitely scalable vector graphics. They're future proof.
Second, as SVG files are at their core text files, each Good Boi's edition and unique traits are contained within the contents of each Good Boi's SVG code on IPFS. In addition to it's JSON metadata. Here's an example:
This is an ape:
1337h4xx0r@1337h4xx0r:~$ ipfs cat QmYcY95ocCq3CSNCELszUHyJvH6wt1Hbh5oqHLoM1ZRiEV
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE> to save to a file.
And this is a Good Boi:
1337h4xx0r@1337h4xx0r:~$ ipfs cat QmQeK5fHtEnpKRDHdLoUGCAminBhmh9h6F3sPZNgUHD53i
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Good Boi #0148 - Attributes: Pink, Hacker Sunglasses, Android Boi Interface, Barrister Tie, World War Two Helmet, Dinosaur - - So NFT! Much doge! Very vector! -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<!-- Created with svg_stack ( -->
<g inkscape:groupmode="layer" id="id2:layer1" inkscape:label="Hacker Sunglasses" style="opacity:1"><g transform="translate(-1.2117401e-6)" id="id2:g8" style="">
Grab your Good Bois SVG and 600x600px PNG by accessing the IPFS hash in your NFTs metadata. Regardless of which Good Boi you receive, its provenance is assured.
If you're still not sure what's going on here, check out this introduction to NFTs and get in the know.
Good Boi Society was created by 2 Californians and an east-coast nerd. We all met on irc, RIP Freenode. We already have a few crypto-projects under our belts, like and Wownero. All previously monero maximalists, we're now boobs deep in NFT development. Keep an eye out for our next project, Patrn.
Cartyisme: A draw'er of things.
jwinterm: Money man and CEO of Wownero.
lza_menace: Builder of obscure meme platforms.
Good Boi Society was made possible with the following FOSS: Inkscape, SVG_Stack by astraw, Pinata Pinner by ItalyPaleAle,, IPFS, and OpenSea.
Honorable mentions: Special thanks to Kiwi, he's a saint for answering our annoying DMs. And thanks to the ape dudes, their project inspired us and so many others. Such an amazing idea.